NSUF 08-139: Characterization of the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Structural Alloys for Radiation Service: A Comprehensive Library of ATR Irradiated Alloys and Specimen
Building on four decades of capsule design, neutron irradiation and scientific-based post irradiation examination experience, the Materials Reliability and Performance Group at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a team of world class collaborators, propose an extensive neutron irradiation program that would utilize the entire length of one of the A positions in the ATR user facility to develop a large library of irradiated structural materials at temperatures from 300 to 800°C and doses of 3-4 dpa. Multiple specimen types, ranging from disc multipurpose coupons to tensile specimens to deformation and fracture specimens, will provide a wide range of post-irradiation examination opportunities to assess microstructural and mechanical property changes, including fracture toughness. The irradiation program also makes use of innovative approaches to studying the strength and toughness of coatings and bonded joints, in addition to diffusion multiple systems that can provide insight into radiation modified inter-diffusion, phase formation processes and phase diagrams over a wide range of irradiation temperatures. The alloys included in the program will largely consist of ferritic steels, advanced nanostructured ferritic alloys and model alloys, as part of DOE-sponsored fusion materials and advanced fission energy programs. The post-irradiation examination, including a wide range of microstructural and mechanical property characterization will primarily be performed at national laboratory hot cells at INL, PNNL, LANL and ORNL funded by various base programs. It is anticipated that the proposed program will eventually involve many university students and post-doctoral researchers and will address scientific questions ranging from from microstructural evolution and phase stability, to radiation hardening and high-temperature radiation softening and non-hardening embrittlement. The impact leveraging and cost effectiveness of the proposed research is without any match.
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Abstract | Building on four decades of capsule design, neutron irradiation and scientific-based post irradiation examination experience, the Materials Reliability and Performance Group at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a team of world class collaborators, propose an extensive neutron irradiation program that would utilize the entire length of one of the A positions in the ATR user facility to develop a large library of irradiated structural materials at temperatures from 300 to 800°C and doses of 3-4 dpa. Multiple specimen types, ranging from disc multipurpose coupons to tensile specimens to deformation and fracture specimens, will provide a wide range of post-irradiation examination opportunities to assess microstructural and mechanical property changes, including fracture toughness. The irradiation program also makes use of innovative approaches to studying the strength and toughness of coatings and bonded joints, in addition to diffusion multiple systems that can provide insight into radiation modified inter-diffusion, phase formation processes and phase diagrams over a wide range of irradiation temperatures. The alloys included in the program will largely consist of ferritic steels, advanced nanostructured ferritic alloys and model alloys, as part of DOE-sponsored fusion materials and advanced fission energy programs. The post-irradiation examination, including a wide range of microstructural and mechanical property characterization will primarily be performed at national laboratory hot cells at INL, PNNL, LANL and ORNL funded by various base programs. It is anticipated that the proposed program will eventually involve many university students and post-doctoral researchers and will address scientific questions ranging from from microstructural evolution and phase stability, to radiation hardening and high-temperature radiation softening and non-hardening embrittlement. The impact leveraging and cost effectiveness of the proposed research is without any match. |
Award Announced Date | 2008-03-27T00:00:00 |
Awarded Institution | None |
Facility | None |
Facility Tech Lead | Alina Zackrone, Kory Linton, Stuart Maloy |
Irradiation Facility | None |
PI | Takuya Yamamoto |
PI Email | [email protected] |
Project Type | Irradiation/PIE |
RTE Number | 139 |