NSUF 09-157: Irradiation Effect on Thermophysical Properties of Hf3Al-Al Composite: A Concept for Fast Neutron Testing at ATR
The development of advanced nuclear technologies for AFCI, GEN-IV and NGNP programs requires fast neutron testing capability for new fuels and materials. To develop such capability domestically, DOE has examined options to augment existing nuclear facilities to enable fast neutron testing, which can be brought on line in a few years, much sooner and at a much lower cost than building a new fast-flux test reactor. The advantage of ATR is that the irradiation volume is large enough to irradiate meaningful numbers of test specimens. A concept has been developed to filter out most of the thermal neutron flux to provide a fast neutron flux test capability in ATR. The concept employs an absorber block made of Al3Hf particles embedded in an aluminum matrix to filter out the thermal neutrons and to provide a high thermal conductivity for heat dissipation. Preliminary neutronic calculations and thermal analyses indicated the viability of the concept. However, the thermophysical properties of the Al3Hf and Al3Hf-Al composite and the effect of irradiation on their properties are not available in the literature. It is essential to obtain the property information and the irradiation effect for the development of the absorber block component to enable this fast neutron testing capability. The objectives of this project are to determine the pre- and post-irradiation thermophysical properties of Al3Hf and the Al3Hf-Al composite, and examine the material change and burnup to determine its longevity. These objectives are to be achieved by an experimental investigation with material preparation, pre-irradiation characterization, irradiation in ATR for one to three operation cycles, and post-irradiation examination. Sample size and morphology, metallography, and micro-structure will be characterized by profilometry, optical microscopy and SEM. The thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity will be measured. The results will be analyzed to obtain a fundamental understanding of the property change of such intermetallic composite under irradiation.The data and fundamental understanding obtained from the project will directly support DOE’s mission. Currently, advanced fuels being developed by DOE are sent to France or Japan for irradiation testing in a fast neutron flux environment. The proposed project will provide necessary data for the development of a fast neutron test capability in a thermal reactor such as ATR. The project will positively impact the advancement of nuclear science and technology for AFCI, GEN IV and NGNP programs. The successful completion of the project will fill a knowledge and information gap in the basic properties of the Al3Hf intermetallic and the Al3Hf-Al composite. The project will also advance the scientific understanding of the irradiation effects on this material and benefit the science community by publishing these results in the literatureThe project duration will be three years. The multidisciplinary team consists of researchers from two universities assisted by various subject matter experts from the INL with expertise in the requisite disciplines: thermophysical properties, materials, neutronics, thermal hydraulics, and materials fabrication. The team qualification and resources and facilities will ensure project success.
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Abstract | The development of advanced nuclear technologies for AFCI, GEN-IV and NGNP programs requires fast neutron testing capability for new fuels and materials. To develop such capability domestically, DOE has examined options to augment existing nuclear facilities to enable fast neutron testing, which can be brought on line in a few years, much sooner and at a much lower cost than building a new fast-flux test reactor. The advantage of ATR is that the irradiation volume is large enough to irradiate meaningful numbers of test specimens. A concept has been developed to filter out most of the thermal neutron flux to provide a fast neutron flux test capability in ATR. The concept employs an absorber block made of Al3Hf particles embedded in an aluminum matrix to filter out the thermal neutrons and to provide a high thermal conductivity for heat dissipation. Preliminary neutronic calculations and thermal analyses indicated the viability of the concept. However, the thermophysical properties of the Al3Hf and Al3Hf-Al composite and the effect of irradiation on their properties are not available in the literature. It is essential to obtain the property information and the irradiation effect for the development of the absorber block component to enable this fast neutron testing capability. The objectives of this project are to determine the pre- and post-irradiation thermophysical properties of Al3Hf and the Al3Hf-Al composite, and examine the material change and burnup to determine its longevity. These objectives are to be achieved by an experimental investigation with material preparation, pre-irradiation characterization, irradiation in ATR for one to three operation cycles, and post-irradiation examination. Sample size and morphology, metallography, and micro-structure will be characterized by profilometry, optical microscopy and SEM. The thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity will be measured. The results will be analyzed to obtain a fundamental understanding of the property change of such intermetallic composite under irradiation.The data and fundamental understanding obtained from the project will directly support DOE’s mission. Currently, advanced fuels being developed by DOE are sent to France or Japan for irradiation testing in a fast neutron flux environment. The proposed project will provide necessary data for the development of a fast neutron test capability in a thermal reactor such as ATR. The project will positively impact the advancement of nuclear science and technology for AFCI, GEN IV and NGNP programs. The successful completion of the project will fill a knowledge and information gap in the basic properties of the Al3Hf intermetallic and the Al3Hf-Al composite. The project will also advance the scientific understanding of the irradiation effects on this material and benefit the science community by publishing these results in the literatureThe project duration will be three years. The multidisciplinary team consists of researchers from two universities assisted by various subject matter experts from the INL with expertise in the requisite disciplines: thermophysical properties, materials, neutronics, thermal hydraulics, and materials fabrication. The team qualification and resources and facilities will ensure project success. |
Award Announced Date | 2009-02-04T00:00:00 |
Awarded Institution | None |
Facility | None |
Facility Tech Lead | Alina Zackrone |
Irradiation Facility | None |
PI | Heng Ban |
PI Email | [email protected] |
Project Type | Irradiation/PIE |
RTE Number | 157 |