NSUF 17-955: Hydrogen Analysis and Oxide Characterization of Reactor Irradiated Zr-Nb Alloy

The proposed post-irradiation examination (PIE) activity will evaluate the oxide scale formed during commercial irradiation of Zr-Nb guide tubes. This evaluation will be focused on development of the oxide scale and changes in solute segregation within the oxide. The evolution of secondary phases and composition through the thickness of the oxide scale will be of particular interest as this has shown to impact corrosion rates in Zircaloy-2, but not understood in Zr-Nb alloys. Zr-Nb tubing, irradiated as fuel assembly guide tubes in two U.S. pressurized water reactors, were harvested in 2007 and 2009 and subjected to extensive evaluation of the Zr-Nb alloy. Irradiated material remaining from these examinations will be used to evaluate the oxide scale present on inner and outer surfaces of the tubing samples. Inert gas fusion technique will also be used to determine the hydrogen content of each sample. The results of the oxide scale analyses will be compared to similar evaluations performed on irradiated zircaloy-4 materials. This data will support knowledge development of the impact of second phase particles on oxide growth and development. The expected period of performance for this investigation is four to six months.

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Abstract The proposed post-irradiation examination (PIE) activity will evaluate the oxide scale formed during commercial irradiation of Zr-Nb guide tubes. This evaluation will be focused on development of the oxide scale and changes in solute segregation within the oxide. The evolution of secondary phases and composition through the thickness of the oxide scale will be of particular interest as this has shown to impact corrosion rates in Zircaloy-2, but not understood in Zr-Nb alloys. Zr-Nb tubing, irradiated as fuel assembly guide tubes in two U.S. pressurized water reactors, were harvested in 2007 and 2009 and subjected to extensive evaluation of the Zr-Nb alloy. Irradiated material remaining from these examinations will be used to evaluate the oxide scale present on inner and outer surfaces of the tubing samples. Inert gas fusion technique will also be used to determine the hydrogen content of each sample. The results of the oxide scale analyses will be compared to similar evaluations performed on irradiated zircaloy-4 materials. This data will support knowledge development of the impact of second phase particles on oxide growth and development. The expected period of performance for this investigation is four to six months.
Award Announced Date 2017-04-26T10:05:51.743
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead Kory Linton
Irradiation Facility None
PI Jacqueline Stevens
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number 955