NSUF 21-4361: X-ray diffraction tomography analysis of SiC composite tubes neutron-irradiated with a radial high heat flux

Researchers will conduct x-ray diffraction computed tomography analysis at NSLS II at Brookhaven National Laboratory and provide critical data on lattice strain for the response of SiC tubes to neutron irradiation under a temperature gradient. This information will be used to validate and/or improve the thermo-mechanical modeling of SiC/SiC tubes for accident tolerant LWR fuel applications. This experimental result will be compared with simulated lattice strains.

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Abstract Researchers will conduct x-ray diffraction computed tomography analysis at NSLS II at Brookhaven National Laboratory and provide critical data on lattice strain for the response of SiC tubes to neutron irradiation under a temperature gradient. This information will be used to validate and/or improve the thermo-mechanical modeling of SiC/SiC tubes for accident tolerant LWR fuel applications. This experimental result will be compared with simulated lattice strains.
Award Announced Date 2021-11-02T12:39:35.66
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead
Irradiation Facility None
PI Takaaki Koyanagi
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number 4361