NSUF 23-1857: Compositional and Defect Analysis of the FCCI in high burnup UO2

The main objective of the proposed research is to conduct an examination of the fuel-cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) and high burnup structure (HBS) regions in UO2 fuel irradiated to burnup of ~73 MWd/kgU using combination of focused ion beam (FIB) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (tKD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The unique combination of the analytical tools will be employed to obtain critical information on the FCCI formation and evolution in 3D. The results for the 3D structural and compositional reconstructions of the FCCI region will be analyzed using MARMOT to simulate effective thermal conductivity of the FCCI region, providing key thermal behavior evolution due to grain, pore, phase, chemical and defect changes.

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Field Value
Abstract The main objective of the proposed research is to conduct an examination of the fuel-cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) and high burnup structure (HBS) regions in UO2 fuel irradiated to burnup of ~73 MWd/kgU using combination of focused ion beam (FIB) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (tKD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The unique combination of the analytical tools will be employed to obtain critical information on the FCCI formation and evolution in 3D. The results for the 3D structural and compositional reconstructions of the FCCI region will be analyzed using MARMOT to simulate effective thermal conductivity of the FCCI region, providing key thermal behavior evolution due to grain, pore, phase, chemical and defect changes.
Award Announced Date 2023-02-08T10:45:31.357
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead Kory Linton
Irradiation Facility None
PI Allison Probert
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number 4537