NSUF 23-1893: Isotope density mapping using Energy Resolved Neutron Resonance Imaging of a High Burnup UO2 Fuel Fragment

This project will characterize high burnup UO2 fuel from a light water reactor (LWR) with energy resolved neutron resonance imaging and diffraction techniques with Bragg-edge mapping of the UO2 lattice parameters. The spatial isotopic mapping produced from such innovative measurements will allow more insight into local variations in radial power that can be related to the formation of high burnup structure and other microstructures. This radial mapping produces data that is otherwise essentially non-existent and will be correlated to observed microstructures by other methods (e.g., electron microscopy). The results of this project will help inform modeling efforts which aim to simulate the impact of the radial variations in microstructure and isotope concentrations on fuel performance and thus, are relevant and valuable for the nuclear industry.

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Abstract This project will characterize high burnup UO2 fuel from a light water reactor (LWR) with energy resolved neutron resonance imaging and diffraction techniques with Bragg-edge mapping of the UO2 lattice parameters. The spatial isotopic mapping produced from such innovative measurements will allow more insight into local variations in radial power that can be related to the formation of high burnup structure and other microstructures. This radial mapping produces data that is otherwise essentially non-existent and will be correlated to observed microstructures by other methods (e.g., electron microscopy). The results of this project will help inform modeling efforts which aim to simulate the impact of the radial variations in microstructure and isotope concentrations on fuel performance and thus, are relevant and valuable for the nuclear industry.
Award Announced Date 2023-02-08T10:52:06.81
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead Tarik Saleh
Irradiation Facility None
PI William Cureton
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number 4584