NSUF 23-4697: Gas bubble superlattice formation in metals at cryogenic temperature and in ceramics at high temperature New Proposal

In the open literature, the previous research identified both high and low temperature limit of 0.35Tm and 0.15Tm for GBS formation, respectively. The low temperature limit was linked to the onset of thermally activated vacancy motion where the effective migration of vacancies. In-situ ion irradiations will be conducted at cryogenic temperature to identify the true low temperature limit for gas bubble superlattice (GBS) formation in both fcc and bcc metals. The evolution of bubble microstructure under the He ion irradiations will be followed. Data on GBS formation in ceramics is not existed. The in-situ He ion irradiation in TiC at high temperature will be performed to investigate the GBS formation in ceramics. Kr GBS formation will also be investigated if the beam time is available after accomplishing all the He ion irradiations. The outcomes from this work will have important impact on the defect interaction, migration and evolution under irradiation at cryogenic temperatures, and the GBS formation mechanism in ceramics.

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Abstract In the open literature, the previous research identified both high and low temperature limit of 0.35Tm and 0.15Tm for GBS formation, respectively. The low temperature limit was linked to the onset of thermally activated vacancy motion where the effective migration of vacancies. In-situ ion irradiations will be conducted at cryogenic temperature to identify the true low temperature limit for gas bubble superlattice (GBS) formation in both fcc and bcc metals. The evolution of bubble microstructure under the He ion irradiations will be followed. Data on GBS formation in ceramics is not existed. The in-situ He ion irradiation in TiC at high temperature will be performed to investigate the GBS formation in ceramics. Kr GBS formation will also be investigated if the beam time is available after accomplishing all the He ion irradiations. The outcomes from this work will have important impact on the defect interaction, migration and evolution under irradiation at cryogenic temperatures, and the GBS formation mechanism in ceramics.
Award Announced Date 2023-06-01T09:01:06.87
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead Alina Zackrone, Wei-Ying Chen
Irradiation Facility None
PI Jian Gan
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number None