NSUF 23-4769: Probing the Chemical composition and Charge Status of Secondary Phases and Precipitates in High Burnup Metallic Fuel using Nano-SIMS and TEM-EELS

In this project, the elemental and isotopic data collected with the nano SIMS technique and TEM-EELS will be compared to the STEM-EDS data and used to describe the different composition and redistribution of fission products. This will undoubtedly fill gaps in the knowledge base for understanding fission product composition and migration within U-Zr fuel during reactor operation.

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Abstract In this project, the elemental and isotopic data collected with the nano SIMS technique and TEM-EELS will be compared to the STEM-EDS data and used to describe the different composition and redistribution of fission products. This will undoubtedly fill gaps in the knowledge base for understanding fission product composition and migration within U-Zr fuel during reactor operation.
Award Announced Date 2023-09-14T13:39:24.193
Awarded Institution None
Facility None
Facility Tech Lead Alina Zackrone
Irradiation Facility None
PI Indrajit Charit
PI Email [email protected]
Project Type RTE
RTE Number None